Having credit issues is a common occurence in these economic times. However, you should not let bad credit stop you from achieving your dream of home ownership. There are many ways to improve your credit score so that you qualify for a mortgage.
- CREDIT SCORE REPAIR: the quickest way to better credit is to take steps to first check your credit score. There are 3 major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and Transunion. Use the links on this page to find out your credit score.
- REPAIR THE DAMAGE: Repair you credit using the resources on this page, or you can dispute credit information yourself.
* SKIP THE HARD PART: Or, you can apply for a Bad Credit Mortgage. These are mortgage loans designed for people with a few dings on thier credit, or for major credit issues.
BAD CREDIT MORTGAGES: a quick way to own your home with bad credit.